Local products, short supply chains

The issue of local products is strictly regulated throughout Europe and it is maintained in the competences of the member states. The association of Kislépték (Association of Interest Representatives of the Manufacturers and Service Providers) successfully prepared Hungarian legislation in the area of local producers and short supply chains in the last years.

People who live in the border regions are in a disadvantageous situation because of the current territorial restrictions, thus they can acquire healthy local products from a much smaller area than those people, who live in the inner parts of the country. Within the frame of the current project, we would like to put together a proposal that is able to manage this discrimination. Subsequently, we involve the experts from the Kislépték into the legislative preparatory work.

Content of the project element:

  • establishing a working group with the involvement of experts, representatives of the Ministry and the Kislépték;
  • proposing legal and policy proposal that address the competitive disadvantages and discrimination against the local producers of border regions.


Working group meetings