Completion of indicators

Stakeholder workshops

  • Workshops organised: 9 / 10 
  • Number of attendees: 90 104 
  • Summary reports: 1 / 1

Sectoral interviews

  • Interviews conducted: 24 / 24 + 30 + 14
  • Sectors covered by the interviews: 8 / 8 + 4
  • Summary reports: 1 / 1

European outlook

  • Best practice collection: 1 / 1

Legislation review

  • Legal inventory: 1 / 1

Set of recommendations

  • Collection of recommendations: 1 / 1

Final report

  • Final reports: 1 / 1
  • Final reports in English: 1 / 1

From a formal point of view, the project achieved maximum success: we fulfilled all the indicators undertaken in our contract. At the same time, it must be admitted that in terms of substance we expected more from the project at the beginning. We thought that the local stakeholders would confront us with a host of border obstacles and we would even find solutions for the major part of them, based on the existing western European good examples. Finally, much fewer barriers were mentioned at the workshops than we had expected and it turned out later that a significant part of these were not real obstacles. In other cases, the modification of the principles of the total policy background would be necessary in order to bring about essential changes. Thus, during its realisation, the focus of the project has been slightly modified.

While at the beginning we envisaged to draft a kind of compilation of legal recommendations, at the end of the day this document has gained a strong policy accent.

Nevertheless, the current compilation of obstacles should not be considered as irrelevant, since we managed to draw the attention and (we hope) to find solution to numerous problems which make the lives of the people living in border areas difficult. We are convinced that the project was implemented successfully with results to be communicated even at EU level which opens the possibility for the continuation together with the neighbouring countries.

As far as the professional results of the project are concerned, one can state that the documents drafted indicate the starting point of a procedure; they create the opportunity for the systematic monitoring and analysis of the obstacles as well as to the institutionalised development of solutions.

Hereby, we would like to thank the Ministry of Justice of Hungary for the support making possible the implementation of this project.