V4 Closing conference

20 June, 2019, Košice

  The program in Slovak is available here.

Conference minutes 


20 June 2019

Congress Hotel Roca, Košice, Slovakia

Južná trieda 1590/117, 040 01 Košice, Slovakia


10:00 Greetings

Ms Denisa Žiláková, general director, Office of Deputy Prime Minister, Slovakia

Mr Péter Kiss-Parciu deputy state secretary, Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade, Hungary

Mr Andor F. Dávid, executive director, International Visegrad Fund

10:30 – 12:00: Panel 1 – Legal accessibility in Europe

Mr Dirk Peters senior expert (DG Regio, European Commission): Introduction of the ECBM Regulation

Mr Ádám Karácsony rapporteur on the Communication “Boosting” (Committee of the Regions): Eliminating cross-border obstacles in the European Union

Mr Petri Suopanki, senior advisers (Nordic Council of Ministers): The model of the Freedom of Movement Council

Mr Gyula Ocskay, secretary general (CESCI): The proposal on the V4 level Mobility Council


Coffee break

12:30 – 13:30: Session 2: round-table discussion on the ECBM tool and legal accessibility (V4 government representatives responsible for the implementation of the ECBM regulation)


The language of the closing conference is English and Slovak. Interpretation is provided.

The participation is free, but registration is needed. Please register here until 17 June.